Colorado. There’s a lot to love about the Centennial state: the Rocky Mountains, ski towns, the Denver Broncos, local breweries. But there’s also no shortage of bad weather and a Colorado hailstorm is not on our list of loves. While precipitation in the mountains means fresh powder for skiers and boarders, it can also mean severe wind, rain, and damaging hailstorms elsewhere throughout the area.

Colorado is situated between the Rocky Mountains and high plains and this sweet spot is also known as North America’s hail capital. As winds and weather fronts move over the area, they commonly bring large amounts of moisture, setting the stage for inclement weather and excessive hail. Colorado’s altitude is higher than many other parts of the USA meaning it’s situated closer to the freezing level of the atmosphere. As a result, when an updraft passes over the area, it’s easier for clouds to be created that will produce hail. And we’re not talking a light dusting. Such large volumes of hail have been recorded during Colorado storms that snowplows were required to help clear the road.

Each year, these powerful weather systems and hailstorms cause extensive and expensive damage to homes, vehicles, crops, and other property. In 2019, a major storm saw Colorado set a new record with a piece of hail falling that measured 4.83 inches in diameter, or, roughly the size of a standard compact disc. While that sounds like a massive piece of hail—and it is—hail only needs to be the size of a quarter to wreak havoc. And, while the majority of Colorado’s hailstorms occur in June, the storm season can run from March through to October. Yikes.

So, what can be done? The answer is simple: get a hail canopy. Hail canopies catch falling hail stopping it from hitting, and harming, what’s underneath. Canopies are the ideal way to protect large areas with vehicles, boats, trailers and more that needs to be sheltered from the nasty hail and weather-related damages. WeatherSolve is a leader and master when it comes to creating hail canopy solutions for you and your business, protecting your space and products, saving you time and money, and providing priceless peace of mind to the Colorado area.

Hail Canopy Colorado

Our hail canopies are rigorously tested and have been subjected to extreme weather around the world for decades. Our resilient material meets and exceeds fire codes, and no matter what’s in the forecast, your canopy is built to last, withstanding wind, rain, snow, freezing temperatures and more while still ensuring your space is functional, pleasant, comfortable, and best of all, protected. Since we customize our canopies, you don’t have to worry about sacrificing space or reconfiguring your current layout. We’ll work with existing structures to create the perfect solution for your business. In addition, canopies still allow natural light to filter through and they can be retracted with ease when necessary.

Making an investment in a hail canopy can be an extremely effective cost-saving solution for businesses like yours. These protective measures can save you from ongoing repairs, time-consuming insurance claims, and the risk of expensive increased premiums. With our innovative WeatherSolve systems, you get maximum protection and maximum control. We promise.