Dust control for truck dumps and transfer points often involves both wind protection and agglomeration of the small particles. For agglomeration to work, the wetting agent (e.g. fog) needs to be contained enough to wet the dust. In addition, the treated material needs to finish in a place sheltered enough to minimize subsequent erosion of the quickly-drying wet fines. More information on this is on the Industrial Dust Control Page
Truck Dumps
The photos below show 3 different styles of dump.

Building Cladding
Porous fabric is ideal for dust containment.
- Can be adapted to fit most buildings
- Allows natural ventilation
- Allows natural lighting if translucent fabric is used – alternatively, control light levels with the light spectrum of fabric
- Appreciably cheaper than most rigid cladding systems (the cladding is cheaper, and the load on building is less so it needs less support structure)
It can be attached using a clamp system, or using highly tensioned cables.
These are inter-linked curtains hanging from the roof over the open end and over the doorway of an A-frame building. They are anchored at the base. Note how effective it is considering dust literally spews out the side in one small area where they had not hung the curtains. The client was really impressed by how durable the fabric is. There’s a lot of crushed rock pushing out against the material (the pile behind the curtain is a good 20′ (6m) -25′ (7.6m) high!)